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General Category / Payroll Software FAQ / Re: How can I print the quarterly state tax forms and the amounts due?
on: November 15, 2007, 01:25:11 AM
For an additional $40.00 Payroll Mate supports state reporting for Florida, New York, Illinois, Texas, and California.
To create a report please use the following steps:
Select “Reports” from the navigation pane.
Select “State Taxes”.
Select “Report Options”.
Select the appropriate beginning and end pay dates.
When you are finished select “OK”.
For convenience, you can export the report to excel. If you would like to do this simply select “Export”.
Congratulations you have successfully created a Report.
General Category / Payroll Software FAQ / I added a deduction, but it is not showing up. Why?
on: June 13, 2007, 01:00:30 PM
This may occur if you created a NEW INCOME category and did not specify that the new deduction is to be applied to that income category. Please go to the Company tab from the Navigation Link, select Income and edit the Income category you created. You will see on your right hand side all the deductions that apply to the new income category. Click on the box next to the deductions that you want applied to the income category.