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How to Create and Read a Bulk TIN Matching File Request/Response

W2 Mate® offers the user the ability to create a Bulk TIN Matching Request File. Once created through W2 Mate®, users will submit their Bulk TIN Matching Request file to the IRS via IRS eServices. The IRS will send a Response File back to the user with the results that can be opened and read inside W2 Mate®. This feature is beneficial for all types of businesses and employers by saving time and assisting in the confirmation of the TIN provided by the payee or recipient against the IRS records. This tutorial shows the steps of generating the Bulk TIN Matching Request file and reading the TIN Matching Response File.

Step by Step Instructions

Make sure you have the correct Company open inside W2 Mate

Note: In order to use this feature you must purchase and enable W2 Mate Option #4 to generate approved electronic submission files

1. Click "Tools" from the top menu bar

2. Select "Bulk TIN Matching"

3. Click "Create Bulk TIN Matching Request File"

4. Click "Select Recipients"

5. Select Recipients you want to include in Bulk TIN Matching File from the list

6. Click "OK"

7. Click "Browse"

8. Select the location to save the Bulk TIN Matching File

9. Name the file

10. Click "Save"

11. Click "OK"

Now you must upload this file you have created to the IRS E-Services system website

If you have questions regarding the IRS E-Services system website call (866) 455-7438

Once you receive the Bulk TIN Response File from the IRS, save the file and open it inside W2 Mate to review the status of each TIN/Name Combination

12. Click "Tools" from the top menu bar

13. Select "Bulk TIN Matching"

14. Select "Open Bulk TIN Matching Responses File"

15. Step 1: Click "Browse"

16. Select the .txt IRS response file you want to read

17. Step 2: These are the records that DO NOT match the IRS Records

Note: We recommend you send a W9 to each recipient in this list to establish reasonable cause defense against IRS penalties (See IRS pub 1586)

18. Step 3: These are the records that DO match the IRS Records

19. Click "Close"

Create/Read an IRS Bulk TIN Matching File Request/Response with W2 Mate®

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