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How to Import 1099 Data from QuickBooks Online

W2 Mate® has the capacity to import the data for 1099 Forms from QuickBooks Online. Are you a QuickBooks online user? Worry no more, W2 Mate® makes it easy to import your 1099-MISC data. Use the Vendor Contact List and the 1099 Transaction Detail Report. In the few simple steps outlined in this tutorial you will be able to move your QuickBooks information to W2 Mate® and generate your 1099 forms.

Step by Step Instructions

Note: In order to use this feature you must purchase and enable W2 Mate Option #3 to import

The W2 Mate 1099 Utility for QuickBooks Online is used to create a CSV file to import your 1099 data into W2 Mate.

Note: You will need to export your data from QuickBooks Online to Excel spreadsheets, use the W2 Mate QuickBooks Online Helper Utility to convert the spreadsheet data to a single CSV (Comma Separated Value) spreadsheet (per company), then import the CSV data into W2 Mate. Each company will need to be created and imported separately.

To export your data from QuickBooks Online:

**1099 Transaction Detail Report

1. Click "Reports" from the left side menu

2. Click "1099 Transcation Detail Report"

3. Select the Report Period

4. Click "Run Report"

5. Click the "Export Icon"

6. Select "Export to Excel"

7. Click "Save" and Select "Save As" to save the excel 1099 Transaction Detail report

8. Choose location to save the file

9. Click "Save"

10. Close the pop-up box

**Vendor Contact List

11. Click "Reports" from the left side menu

12. Click "Vendor Contact List"

13. Click the "Settings Icon"

14. Select the following column options: Vendor, Email, Account #, Tax ID, Street, City, State, Zip

15. Click the "Export Icon"

16. Select "Export to Excel"

17. Click "Save" and Select "Save As" to save the excel vendor contact list

18. Choose location to save the file

19. Click "Save"

20. Close the pop-up box

To create a new CSV file, Open the W2 Mate QuickBooks Online Helper

21. Click "Browse" to select the Vendor Contact List file saved from QuickBooks Online

22. Select the Vendor Contact List file

23. Click "Open" to select

24. Click "Browse" to select the 1099 Transaction Detail report file saved from QuickBooks Online

25. Select the 1099 Transaction Detail report file

26. Click "Open"

27. Click "Output Folder" to select the location to save the new CSV file being created

28. Select location to save the new CSV file

29. Click "OK"

30. Click "Create File"

31. Click "OK"

32. Open the CSV file and review, if any changes need to be made you will need to re-save the file as a CSV file type

You are now ready to import your 1099 data into W2 Mate.

Data will need to be imported one company at a time

Open W2 Mate

Make sure you have the correct company open inside W2 Mate

33. Click "Import Data" from the top menu bar

34. Select correct 1099 Form data to import

35. Click "Browse" to select the correct CSV file to import

36. Select the CSV file created by W2 Mate QuickBooks Online Helper

37. Click "Open"

38. Map each field

39. Click "Import"

40. Click "OK"

41. Click "Close"

Import 1099 Data from QuickBooks Online into W2 Mate®

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