W2 Mate® is capable of being run in a network environment. Running W2 Mate® over a network allows multiple users to share the same data. This is an important tool for large companies and CPA firms with many users of the software. This time-saving feature is easily implemented. The tutorial gives the steps to setup W2 Mate® software on a network or shared drive.
Note: In order to use this feature you must purchase and enable W2 Mate Option #2 to run the software over a network
1. Create a folder on a shared network drive that can be accessed from all the network computers where W2 Mate software will be installed. This is the folder where the W2 Mate database (company) files will be stored. All licensed computers will need to use this folder to share the data.
2. Make sure that all the computers installing W2 Mate have FULL access rights to the new data folder (created in step 1) - We can't stress enough the importance of this point
3. Install W2 Mate software on each licensed computer
Note: Once you have W2 Mate installed on each computer, you will need to Enable Optional Features on each licensed computer, including the optional feature for running W2 Mate over a Network
Once you have W2 Mate installed and the option enabled, you will need to update the Company Data Path to the folder you created in step 1 on each licensed computer
4. Click "Tools"
5. Select "Options"
6. Select "Company Data Path (Network Edition)"
7. Select the network folder created in step 1
8. Click "OK"
9. Click "Yes" for the FIRST computer being set up only to copy current company database files to the new folder. Each additional computer being set up Click "No"
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