Make paycheck stubs using Payroll Mate payroll software. Easily create paychecks or just generate paycheck stubs with our small business payroll software.
Our payroll solution prints checks which include paycheck stubs. Our software prints to preprinted top checks. The computer top check is comprised of a paycheck, on the top of an 8.5 in. x 11 in. sheet, and two paystubs below. One paystub is for the employee and one paystub is for the employer.
To print checks and paycheck stubs in Payroll Mate you will pull a check printing report from the reports screen. The first step is to specify the checks you wish to print by selecting the pay date of the checks and choosing the employees, to include, from the list. The user can now preview the checks that are to be printed by choosing preview- export checks. You may wish to do this before printing to your check stock to verify the correct checks are prepared to print. If you are satisfied with the check preview, click on the print option. You have now printed your paychecks and paycheck stubs.
For users who opt to use direct deposit or manually write checks you can still print paycheck stubs for your employees using our payroll software. By pulling a check printing report as above you can print the check to blank paper. This allows employers to issue paycheck stubs to their employees who have direct deposit or have a manually written check.
Payroll Mate users may find a helpful step by step instructional payroll check printing video online.
Purchase Payroll Mate payroll software and receive the software instantly to begin using the program today.