Oregon 2010 Payroll Withholding : 2010 Oregon Withholding Tax Tables


March 13 – 2010 : Important Note for Oregon Employers Using Our Payroll Mate Payroll Software:

The Oregon DOR have concluded their analysis of the changes to the Oregon payroll withholding formula caused by Measure 66. The Oregon Withholding Tax Tables dated January 1, 2007 will remain in effect for all employees with wages less than $125,000.

If you are an employer of an employee with annual wages of $125,000 or more, use the Oregon Payroll withholding calculators for high-income earners to modify withholding to adjust for the changes resulting from Measure 66.

How to apply these changes inside Payroll Mate:

(1) For employees who make less than $125,000 you don’t need to change or update anything.

(2)  For employees who make $125,000 or more, calculate the additional Oregon withholding using the “high-income earners calculator” and then add that amount to the “Additional State Withholding” box under the “Tax Setup” inside the Employee wizard. The Oregon Payroll withholding calculators for high-income earners can be found here . For more details you can also refer to publication “150-206-431 (Rev. 03-10)” located on Oregon’s website. Please note that there is no mechanism available for payroll service or payroll software providers, including Payroll Mate, to automatically calculate the additional Oregon withholding.